Excited to join us for the Branded Open?!

This is a special open horse show just for BLM and US Forest Service mustangs and burros on June 30, 2024, at the Ford Idaho Center in Nampa, ID.

All-Around Champion buckles will be awarded, along with Reserve Champion prizes, 1st place prizes, and medals to 5th place.

Use the form below to register!


  • ADULT: Open to all riders 18-years-old and over. May not cross-enter into Walk/Trot or Novice division classes.
  • YOUTH: Open to all riders 17-years-old and under. May not cross-enter into Walk/Trot or Novice division classes.
  • WALK/TROT: Open to any horse or rider that has not competed before and/or not ready to lope/canter.
  • NOVICE: Open to any horse or rider in their first year of loping or cantering.
  • BURRO: Open to youth and adults showing all ages of burros.
  • IN-HAND: Open to all mustangs NOT being ridden at the show.
  • SPECIALTY YOUTH: Open to all youth competitors.
  • SPECIALTY ADULT: Open to all adult competitors.


Office and class fees will be paid to Forever Branded. Stalls, shavings, pellets, RVs and golf carts can be paid for and reserved through the Ford Idaho Center directly.

  • OFFICE FEE: $10/horse or burro
  • CLASSES: $15/each
  • JACKPOT CLASSES: $50/each (80% payback)
  • STALLS: $35/night
  • SHAVINGS: $15/bag
  • PELLETS: $10/bag
  • RV SPOT: $60/night
  • GOLF CART: $45/day

Class Descriptions

  • HALTER: To be judged in-hand on both conditioning and overall appearance.
  • MANEUVERS: Signs will be placed throughout the arena and animals will be asked to perform a variety of maneuvers which may include walk, trot, extended trot, stop, reverse, back, and lope (if under saddle). Animals will be judged on consistency and accuracy from the time they begin the set pattern. Animals should demonstrate smooth, easy transitions in a quiet, pleasant manner without resistance.
  • TRAIL CLASSES: Obstacles and maneuvers may include but are not limited to walk, trot, stop and back, navigate logs/poles, walk/trot between obstacles or cones, maneuver forward and/or reverse through a simple chute, turns/pivots/circles to the left and right, navigate bridges and/or small jumps, pick up and carry an object, dragging items, and navigating exposure to brush, foliage, slickers, etc.
    • RANCH TRAIL: Exhibitors will be asked to guide their horse through a course of generic obstacles and maneuvers.
    • IN-HAND TRAIL: Exhibitors will be asked to lead their horse or burro through a course of generic obstacles and maneuvers.
    • JACKPOT TRAIL: 80% of the entries will be paid to the top 3 exhibitors. Exhibitors will be asked to guide their horse through a course of generic obstacles and maneuvers.
  • RANCH HORSE: Exhibitors will navigate a pattern that may include, but not be limited to, walk, trot, extended trot, stop, pivot, back, lope, gait extension, and lead changes. Pattern may also include navigation of small obstacles such as poles. Animals will be judged on consistency and accuracy from the time they begin the set pattern. Animals should demonstrate smooth, easy transitions in a quiet, pleasant manner without resistance.
  • LEADLINE: Open to riders 6-years-old and under. Will be judged on equitation while being led.
  • COSTUME: Anything goes! Animal and/or handler should be in costume.
  • SIMON SAYS: Just as it sounds!
  • EGG & SPOON: Riders are given a spoon and an egg. They then must navigate the tasks called out by the judge while balancing the egg in the spoon.
  • CATALOG RACE: Timed event. Riders are given a page number within a catalog sitting on top of a barrel in the arena, which they must tear out, close the book and return their assigned page to the starting line where the page will be verified for accuracy. Riders may dismount to locate their assigned page or remain mounted. If the book falls from the barrel and it is not returned, riders are disqualified.
  • BOOT RACE: Timed event: Exhibitors are asked to remove their right boot which will be placed into a line in another part of the arena. Exhibitors will run to the line, retrieve their boot, put on their boot and run back.
  • BARREL RACE: Timed event. Standard cloverleaf pattern.
  • POLES: Timed event. Standard pattern.
  • RIDE & RUN: Timed event. Riders will run to the barrel, dismount, and lead their animal back to the finish line.
  • KEYHOLE: Timed event. Exhibitors will run into the keyhole, turn around, and run back to the finish line.
  • MYSTERY CLASS: Stacie's choice! Jackpot class. 80% of the entries will be paid to the top 3.

2024 Branded Open Registration