Forever Branded is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public on the history, management, training, and adoption of America's wild horses and burros. Your support of our mission is tax deductible.
If you're interested in becoming an organizational sponsor, please review our sponsorship packages and reach out to us for more information.
Join Our Founding Herd
If you love the wild horse and burro community as much as we do, we want you as part of our Founding Herd! As a fledgling organization, we have BIG goals and need your support to make that happen.
Become a Founding Herd member by giving a one-time donation of $100 or more, or a sustaining, monthly donation of $20 or more. Your belief in our mission and our vision to truly bring this community together as one humbles us.
These amazing people and organizations believed in the Forever Branded mission so much so that they jumped at the chance of helping us realize it from the start. We extend a sincere "thank you" to each and every one of our Founding Herd members.
Foothills Tilesetting, Inc.
The McClure Family
Spring Milbourn
Jarad Souders
Dr. Anthony Roberts
Luke Castro
Cindy Chaffin
Richard & Cheryl Winters
Pretty Horses Rescue
Darlene Stevenson
Stephanie Murphy
The Roberts Family
The Phillips Family
The Sutherlin Family
Freedom Trails Ranch
Sandy Stephenson
Susan Brinkman
Kimberly Angel
Melissa Schmalhorst
Michelle LeVar
Marion McKamie
Mike Cassedy
Ruth & Cleo Clark
The Kitzmiller Family
Ruth Zschiesche
Wild Horse Ranch, LLC
Angela Huston
Stacked Heart Horsemanship
Lori Case
Peter Seiler
Staci Barnes per Elaine Marshall
George Brauneis
Diane & Mike Christian
The Kammerlohr Family
Troublemaker Trading Company
Ashlee Patricelli
Mary Quinn
Dr. Jill Johnson
Zimmerman Training
Hannah Catalino Liberty Horsemanship
Adam & Denise Ward
Story Ranch
Susan Stevens

We're looking forward to big things in 2025!
Continuing on our mission of education and community, the Bureau of Land Management named Forever Branded its newest nationwide partner in November 2024. That award combined with your support will help us bring key programs to life in 2025 such as Branded Partnerships, Branded Adoption Centers, and Branded Bonanza.
Additionally, we've identified several key national events our team will attend to educate the public, encourage new adopters, and bridge the gap between the differing sides of the "wild horse fence."
Networking has always been our team's forte and our passion for helping adopters succeed is what drives us. We've already helped many adopters find the help they need to break through their training walls and find the successful partnership they were looking for. It is our sincere hope to continue to build on this in 2025 and leverage the Mustang Family Network for this cause.
Pulling all of this together is our passion for education. Whether it's telling the story of our beloved branded horses and burros, letting adopters and trainers share their own stories, or putting together tips and tricks to help novice (and experienced) adopters make the most of their new partnership adventure, we know those connections make a difference. We have seen the power of conversation and are fervently working toward launching more content in the coming months to support that goal.
All that said, if you align with any of these goals and want to see the wild horse and burro community come together and become less divided, then we would be humbled by your support.

We LOVE talking wild horses and burros and welcome the opportunity to engage with your event, school, or organization! If you would like to incorporate us into your next event, please reach out and let's chat.